Brazilian Lunch
The big meal for Brazilians is lunch, not dinner. This may or may not have something to do with very low occurrence of obesity in Brazilians. This is a photo of a typical Brazilian lunch. I made this yesterday.
What I'm missing here are some orange or mango slices. Recipes for all of the above, except rice and fried potatoes, have been posted on the blog. I will post the rice recipe and the potato recipe, but I figure most people already know how to do this.

- Batatas fritas (fried potatoes)
- Fanta laranja (Fanta orange - my store was out of Guaraná)
- Pão de queijo (Cheese bread - my store had this in the original Brazilian packaging COOL!)
- Feijoada (Black beans with pork)
- Arroz (Rice)
- Couve (Fried Kale or Collard Greens)
What I'm missing here are some orange or mango slices. Recipes for all of the above, except rice and fried potatoes, have been posted on the blog. I will post the rice recipe and the potato recipe, but I figure most people already know how to do this.
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